Restoration Project

Restoration Project

Memorial Square Community Rooms (formerly known as the ‘Women’s Rest’)

Rendering of the restored (former) Women’s Rest, Gavin Cooper Architect

The Art Deco Trust and Napier City Council are collaborating on a significant restoration initiative that aims to rejuvenate and appropriately repurpose the Category 1 heritage building known as the Memorial Square Community Rooms, Napier, (formerly known as the “Women’s Rest”), into a vibrant community facility.

Brief overview of the Restoration Project:

Created by MediaMint, archival images from the collection of Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust, Ruawharo Tā-ū-rangi

Click here to support the project.

Decorative horizontal pattern in art deco style

A brief history of the (former) Women’s Rest …

Collection of Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust, Ruawharo Tā-ū-rangi, [7866]

Designed in 1924 by esteemed Napier architect James Augustus ‘Louis’ Hay in the Prairie Style and heavily influenced by American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the building served as a sanctuary for Napier’s women, mothers, and children at a time when there were no public toilets or facilities for women in the town.

The facility was conceived as a utilitarian war memorial and companion to the city’s Cenotaph and was formally opened to the public on Anzac Day, 25 April 1926, at which time the reserve was renamed ‘Memorial Square’.

This Category 1 historic place holds special historical significance as a highly unusual utilitarian First World War memorial, alongside the purely monumental Cenotaph.

Collection of Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust, Ruawharo Tā-ū-rangi, [7256m]

In the wake of the devastating 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake, speedy repairs allowed the Women’s Rest to serve as the heart of Tin Town, effectively New Zealand’s first shopping mall.

Collection of Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust, Ruawharo Tā-ū-rangi, [3278] 

Over the years the building has hosted various groups, including the Merchant Navy Club, a ballet studio, and the Citizens’ Advice Bureau, before its closure in 2013 due to seismic concerns.

The Art Deco Trust is leading the restoration of this building with the generous support from donors and supporters.

The goal is to restore the integrity of Louis Hay’s original Art Deco-era design and allow the building to once again serve as the Memorial Square Community Rooms, a community facility, and the home of the Art Deco Trust.

Rendering of the restored (former) Women’s Rest, Gavin Cooper Architect

Decorative horizontal pattern in art deco style

Napier City Council

Lottery Grants Board Environment and Heritage Fund

Lottery Grants Board Community Facilities Fund

Earnshaw Holdings Ltd

With additional support from:

Awhero Nui Trust

Bernard Chambers Charitable Trust

Napier Building Society Charitable Trust

Angus McGregor and Nathan Akhavan-Moossavi

Alexander Construction

Alexander Electrical

Alexander Joinery

Almak Fire Protection

Ann Galloway Heritage Architect

Baywide Plumbing

Devine Technology

Gavin Cooper Architect

Gearey Painting

Halcyon Project Management

Hawke’s Bay Heritage Services

Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga

Ironstein Engineering Ltd

MCC Cost Consulting

Media Mint

Mitchell Daysh

Moth Light

Panton Consulting


Resene Paint NZ

Smart Fire

Structural Concepts


Superior Roofing Ltd


Wallace Development Company

Thank you to our seat naming donors:

Barbara and David Arnott

Simon and Bridget Dunn

Craig and Penny Hickson and family

David and Jane Mackersey

Alastair and Helen Thompson

Never stop learning. Find your way. John Akers

In memory of Pat Benson

Bramwell Bate Lawyers

In memory of Clifton Lee Black

David ‘Brocky’ and Jan Brock

Charles Chaplin

In memory of late Roy Clement

In memory of Betty Dawson, nee Stowell 1922-2023

John and Nola Dykes of Napier

Richard Earwaker & Margot Minett Earwaker

Sue Fullarton, Guide and Life Member

Gannet Safaris Overland

Hamstur Trust

Alan and Margaret Husheer

Linda Johnston a Chicago Honorary Kiwi

Langley Twigg Law

David Low; Dapper Gentleman & Life-member

Janine McCutcheon gifted in memory of Betty Gray

The McClurg and Horrocks families

Gifted by Cindy and Larry Morgan

Bob and Alison Morrison

In memory of Geoff Myles

Katie Nimon MP

Leigh and Trish Patterson

Shona Porter

Elizabeth Pishief

Nick and Jenny Stewart

In memory of visits from Wairoa by Wendy Stothers

Kevin and Bev Thomsen

Jill Verschaffelt

Bob and Charlotte Witham

Consider donating and naming one (or more) of the new chairs at the restored Memorial Square Community Rooms and be there all when you’re not.

We are looking for support from the community – individuals, families, community groups and companies – to help us create a community space for everyone to enjoy.

Only 120 chairs available, one or more could be yours.

For a donation of $500 each; name a chair or multiple chairs and help us bring the project life.

Each chair can be named as gifted by you, your family, a family friend, your company or organisation.

Your donation is 100% tax deductible.

If you wish to pay via credit card, please complete the form below, submit, then complete payment page.

If you wish to pay via bank transfer, please complete the form and press ‘submit’.
Please ignore the following credit card payment page – press the back button or ‘cancel transaction’ to return to the Trust website.
Please ignore any error message.

Your completed form will be sent to the Art Deco Trust.

Please don’t forget to make your payment via bank transfer.

Our account details are:
Account name: ART DECO TRUST
Account number: 12-3144-0079110-00
International swift code: ASBBNZ2A
We will match your donation to the details you submit on the form and send you a receipt for your donation.

Thank you for your support.

Name a chair and be there when you’re not!

I/we wish to pay via credit card or electronic transfer(Required)
Please select one option. Once the form is completed and submitted: For credit card payments, please complete this form, submit and complete the payment form. For bank transfers, submit the form, but ignore credit card payment form.
Price: $ 500.00
Choose how many chairs you would like – naming one chair is $500
Words to appear on the chair: In memory of … In honour of … Gifted by …

If paying via credit card, please complete the form, press ‘submit’, then complete payment page.

If paying via bank transfer, please complete the form and press ‘submit’. At the payment page – press the back button or ‘cancel transaction’ to return to the Trust website. The form will be sent. Please ignore any error message.
Please don’t forget to make your payment via bank transfer.

Our account details are:
Account name: ART DECO TRUST
Account number: 12-3144-0079110-00
International swift code: ASBBNZ2A
We will match your donation to the details you submit on the form and send you a receipt for donation.

Thank you for your support.

Jeremy Smith
Heritage Manager / GM
Art Deco Trust
06 835 0022 x5

Please click here to make a donation in support of the restoration project

For more detail about the significance of the Napier (former) Women’s Rest, visit:

Women’s Rest (former) Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, Historic Place Category 1, List number: 1180

Decorative horizontal pattern in art deco style